Thursday, November 19, 2009

A few changes to the bedroom.

I painted, hung lamps and hung three pieces of artwork in the bedroom. It's still a plain room, needs a more permanent window treatment and we need a dresser, as well! It will look sooo much nicer in there when we get the trim put up and the carpet squares put in this Spring. I'll be hanging some more artwork or a mirror or something on the wall to the left in this first picture as soon as we know what kind of dresser we will have.

I really love the color of the room now. When I first painted it I picked a blue so light it looked white. I was terrified of painting it any color that would make the room feel smaller, but I think you have to get a pretty dark color to make that happen.

Living Room!

Not too terribly exciting, but I hung this picture shelf today. I was missing having artwork on our walls and am not so good and hanging pictures evenly, so, voila! The shelf! I also like that it will be super easy to swap and re-arrange, etc. We don't have a single wedding picture (yet) so I was wanting to figure out a way to hang stuff while having an easy way to add to the collection.

Here is the front window and our cool IKEA lamp and another photo. This wall faces the wall in the photo above. The front door is to the right in this photo, as well.

I just hung these curtains today, they are to the left when you come in the front door. Our computer desk is right in front of these curtains, as well.

Here is another view of the artwork on the wall. You can see the top of the computer desk there in the corner and a tiny bit of the curtains that are in the above picture. You can just see the very top of an old, gross chair that we have and want to replace. It's a tough prospect because this chair is sooo comfy, but it looks like something you wouldn't really want to sit in. We have to find something equally comfy (and big!) to replace it with.

The Playroom!

I am so in love with this room. It's almost done. We are going to get a futon to put along the wall where the book shelf is now. I am also thinking of hanging something over the sliding doors-- maybe small pieces of the girl's artwork?

I took a picture from each of the four corners of the room.

This is the least exciting angle. Those two doors are the closet doors, where we currently store a bunch of random stuff and Matt's clothes.

The door on the right is the door to the rest of the house. I hung the girl's alphabet cards along the top of the wall and more kid-friendly art on the walls. Where the easel and the bookcase are is where we will put the futon.

So, come and play with us!