Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day One: Our First Open House. Sort Of.

As soon as we got word that we could begin looking at houses with our realtor I hopped on the internet, for the eighty millionth time, to look at houses. This time, though, I was specifically looking for houses that had open houses this weekend. I found a great one about 25 blocks away and we decided that we would take a family walk up there today and check the property out.

The only problem was, when we got there the for sale sign had a "sold" sign on it and there was a note on the door that said the open house had been cancelled. Oops.

So that was that. At least we got a great walk out of it! Almost two miles each way.


  1. Gregory and I had the same problem when we started looking in Madison. By the time we'd hear about a house in our price range, we'd rush over to see the SOLD sign on it. It was super frustrating! If you have a realtor, they should be able to let you know about those homes beforehand. Otherwise, just keep on looking - you'll come across the right one and the right time. We did. :)

  2. I am so happy for you guys! I'll be reading your blog to see what's new on the house front!


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