Thursday, November 19, 2009

A few changes to the bedroom.

I painted, hung lamps and hung three pieces of artwork in the bedroom. It's still a plain room, needs a more permanent window treatment and we need a dresser, as well! It will look sooo much nicer in there when we get the trim put up and the carpet squares put in this Spring. I'll be hanging some more artwork or a mirror or something on the wall to the left in this first picture as soon as we know what kind of dresser we will have.

I really love the color of the room now. When I first painted it I picked a blue so light it looked white. I was terrified of painting it any color that would make the room feel smaller, but I think you have to get a pretty dark color to make that happen.

1 comment:

  1. Your room's nice. The color of your wall makes for a relaxing atmosphere. But I think you can still spruce up your windows a little. How about making it larger and adding some curtains to it? I think you can go for a darker shade of purple or blue to complement your wall.

    Roxie Tenner


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