Friday, June 26, 2009

A New Start!

Well, we're here! All of our stuff is in our new place. I can't use the word "settled" because we are FAR from being settled.

Here's where we're at: I went to be practically having a panic attack last night. I wondered, is it too late to pull out? Oh wait, yeah, it is. The deal is done. We had done nothing but wait for this deal to go through and now I'm freaking out.

There is one giant problem with our new house. The two bedrooms are in the basement. We bought the house with a "finished" basement, but we knew it was a pretty half-assed job. What we didn't realize until we got in here was the extent of the damage from the cat pee. I ripped out the carpetting in one of the bedrooms last night and the pee is in the concrete and the wall. The floors looked like they were molding from holding in all of that moisture. I swear that the smell is worse now than it was before I even ripped the carpetting out.

So anyways, yeah, didn't sign up for this. Eloise and I are sleeping on the fold out couch and Matt and Iris are sleeping on two twin mattresses on the floor of the playroom. Thankfully, we're sleeping decently, but the playroom is practically unusable right now and the upper level of our house is filled with shit we have no where to put because we can't put it in the basement.

Added to that, the girls and I leave for vacation on Tuesday, so there will be three weeks of time we can't work on the house! I am straight up in panic mode.

We have some contractors coming to look at it on Sunday, so that will be good as far as just knowing the price of getting this all re-done. Maybe, if we're supremely lucky, they can start the work on the basement while we are on vacation?

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