Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 19: Um, whoa.

Well holy crap, I had NO idea how much was involved in this space between saying we're buying the house and actually buying it.

In the past two days I've had alot on my plate. Let's see. We scheduled the inspection for Saturday afternoon. It was all set and great. The inspector was all set to go, we got child care so Matt and I could go and give it our undivided attention, and our friend is coming with us to look at the basement for us and give his ideas on re-doing the space. We had planned the inspection closely around some time we were spending with family that afternoon, as well. Wouldn't you know it, I get a call from the realtor today saying that time will no longer work because the tenants are coming home (we thought they were going to be out of town) and that time doesn't work for them anymore. Um, excuse me? I want, really really want, to be empathetic to the fact that it sucks that they signed a lease on a house that was for sale and therefor are forced to deal with all of this crap, but OH MY GOD I was livid. I had Matt get on the phone and talk to our realtor to get the original time to work OR ELSE. Or else what, I don't know. Or else I'll cry, I guess.

The other "fun" thing I've been doing is trying to figure out the deal with home owner's insurance. Having never purchased it, I am not really sure what I'm doing, and am being asked tons of questions about the house I have no answers to as all I know about it is the 15 minutes we spent touring it last weekend (yes, we decided to plunk down $300,000 on a house we were only in for 15 mins). And then I call the realtor to explain how I don't know how to answer these questions about the house and he tells me to not answer anything, that they should be sending someone out to look at the house to get those answers themselves. So I'm like, well, no one is doing that, they're just asking me questions. And I am not even clear on what the lender even needs to have as proof of insurance. More phone calls to our realtor/lender commenced. Still no insurance but lots and lots of time lost on the phone.

What else? I dropped off a giant check for earnest money at the escrow company this morning. Eloise liked the "store" because they had a jar full of candy.

I have had to scan and email countless papers to our realtor. Fun times. Matt has had to initial/sign/date countless times, as well. I even had to forge his initials once. Oops.

In addition to house stuff I've been researching schools in our new neighborhood and have set up an appointment to go visit a school that looks really wonderful, so we're excited about that. Annoying to know that the hours and hours of time we spent researching schools on the north end was all for nothing, but you know, there was nothing else we could have done. We knew we would likely be moving, but didn't know where. We had hoped we could stay in our current 'hood, but alas, it wasn't in the stars.

It's all plugging along, though. Stressful, but good. Hopefully at the inspection on Saturday I'll get some good pictures of the house to post. The ones online don't really do the house justice, I think.

1 comment:

  1. consider asking about the sewer and or possibly include a camera inspection it. we just paid 10,000 for a new sewer line, that was most definitley failing when we purchased the house. ugh.


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